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A Note on Method I. Depression II. Breakdowns III. Treatments IV. Alternatives V. Populations V I. Addiction VII. Suicide VIII. History IX. Poverty X. Hope Notes Bibliography Acknowledgments Index. Everything passes awaysuffering, pain, blood, hunger, pestilence. T h e sword w i l l pass away too, but the stars w i l l still remain when the shadows of our the noonday demon pdf download and our deeds have vanished from the earth. There is no man who does not know that. Why, then, w i l l we not turn our eyes toward the stars?
Mikhail Bulgakov, The White Guard. I have attempted to credit all influences i n the notes at the back of the book, and not to distract readers w i t h a cascade of unfamiliar names and technical jargon in the main text. I asked m y subjects to allow me to use their actual names, because real names lend authority to real stories. In a book one of the aims of which is to remove the burden of stigma from mental illness, it is important not to play to that stigma by hiding the identities of depressed people.
I have, however, the noonday demon pdf download, included the stories of seven people who wished to remain pseudonymous and who persuaded me that they had significant reason to do so.
N o n e of them is a composite personality, and I have taken pains to change no details. T h e members of M o o d Disorders Support Groups M D S G use first names only; these have all been changed in keeping with the private nature of the meetings. A l l other names are actual. I have allowed the men and women whose battles are the primary subject of this book to tell their o w n stories.
I have done m y best to get coherent stories from them, but I have not in general done fact-checking on their accounts of themselves. I have not insisted that all personal narrative be strictly linear. I have often been asked how I found m y subjects. A number of professionals, as noted in the acknowledgments, the noonday demon pdf download, helped me to gain access to their patients. I met an enormous number of people in m y ordinary life who volunteered, upon learning of m y subject, their o w n copious histories, some of w h i c h were extremely fascinating and ultimately became source material.
I published an article about depression i n The New Yorker i n and received over a thousand letters in the months imme A Note on M e t h o d diately the noonday demon pdf download publication, the noonday demon pdf download. G r a h a m Greene once said, "I sometimes wonder how all those who do not write, compose, or paint can manage to escape the madness, the melancholia, the panic fear w h i c h is inherent in the human situation.
In responding to m y flood of mail, I asked some people whose correspondence had been particularly moving to me whether they would be interested in doing interviews for this book. Additionally, I spoke at and attended numerous conferences where I met consumers of mental health care.
I have never written on any subject about which so many people have so much to say, nor on any subject about which so many people have chosen to say so much to me. It is frighteningly easy to accumulate material about depression.
I felt i n the end that what was missing i n the field of depression studies was synthesis. Science, philosophy, law, psychology, literature, art, history, the noonday demon pdf download many other disciplines have independently taken up the cause of depression. So many interesting things are happening to so many interesting people and so many interesting things are being said and being publishedand there is chaos i n the kingdom.
T h e first goal of this book is empathy; the second, which has been for me much more difficult to achieve, is order: an order based as closely as possible on empiricism, rather than on sweeping generalizations extracted from haphazard anecdotes. I must emphasize that I am not a doctor or a psychologist or even a philosopher, the noonday demon pdf download.
T h i s is an extremely personal book and should not be taken as anything more than that. T h o u g h I have offered explanations and interpretations of complex ideas, this book is not intended to substitute for appropriate treatment.
For the sake of readability, I have not used ellipsis marks or brackets i n quotations, from spoken or written sources, where I felt that the omitted or added words did not substantially change meaning; anyone wishing to reference these sources should go back to the originals, which are all cataloged at the end of this book.
I have also avoided the noonday demon pdf download of "[sic]" i n the eighth chapter, where historical sources use obsolete spellings.
Quotations for which citations are not furnished are from personal interviews, most of w h i c h were conducted between and I have used those statistics that come out of sound studies and have been most comfortable w i t h statistics that have been extensively replicated or frequently cited. M y finding, i n general, is that statistics i n this field are inconsistent and that many authors select statistics to make an attractive ensemble i n support of preexisting theories.
I found one major study, for example, that showed that depressed people who abuse sub A N o t e on M e t h o d stances nearly always choose stimulants; and another, equally convincing one that demonstrated that depressed people w h o abuse substances invariably use opiates.
M a n y authors derive a rather nauseous air of invincibility from statistics, as though showing that something occurs It is m y experience that the hard numbers are the ones that lie. T h e matters that they describe cannot be defined so clearly. T h e most accurate statement that can be made on the frequency of depression is that it occurs often and, directly or indirectly, affects the lives of everyone.
It is hard for me to write without bias about the pharmaceutical companies because m y father has worked in the pharmaceutical field for most of m y adult life. A s a consequence of this I have met many people i n that industry. It is fashionable at the moment to excoriate the pharmaceutical industry as one that takes advantage of the sick.
M y experience has been that the people i n the industry are both capitalists and idealistspeople keen on profit but also optimistic that their work may benefit the world, that they may enable important discoveries that w i l l put specific i l l nesses into obsolescence. We w o u l d not have the selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors SSRIsantidepressants that have saved so many lives, without the companies that sponsored the research.
I have done m y best to write clearly about the industry insofar as this is part of the story of this book. After his experience of m y depression, m y father extended the reach of his company into the field of antidepressants. H i s company, Forest Laboratories, is now the U. T o avoid any explicit conflict of interest, I have not mentioned the product except where its omission w o u l d be ostentatious or misleading.
I was frequently asked, as I wrote this book, the noonday demon pdf download, whether the writing was cathartic. It was not. M y experience conforms to that of others w h o have written i n this field. Writing on depression is painful, sad, lonely, and stressful. Nonetheless, the idea that I was doing something that might be useful to others was uplifting; and m y increased knowledge has been useful to me.
I hope it w i l l be clear that the primary pleasure of this book is a literary pleasure of communication rather than the therapeutic release of self-expression.
I began b y w r i t i n g about m y depression; then about the similar depression of others; then about the different depression of others; and finally about depression i n completely other contexts.
I have included three stories from outside the first w o r l d i n this book. T h e narratives of m y encounters w i t h people i n Cambodia, Senegal, and Greenland are provided i n an attempt to counterbalance some of the culturally specific ideas of depression that have circumscribed many studies in the area. A N o t e on M e t h o d trips into unknown places were adventures tinged w i t h a certain exoticism, and I have not suppressed the fairy-tale quality of those encounters.
Depression, under various names and the noonday demon pdf download n various guises, is and has always been ubiquitous for biochemical and social reasons.
T h i s book strives to capture the extent of depression's temporal and geographical reach, the noonday demon pdf download. If it sometimes seems that depression is the private affliction the noonday demon pdf download the modern Western middle classes, that is because it is i n this community that we are suddenly acquiring new sophistication to recognize depression, to name it, to treat it, and to accept itand not because we have any special rights to the complaint itself.
N o book can span the reach of human suffering, but I hope that b y indicating that reach, I w i l l help to liberate some men and women who suffer from depression. We can never eliminate all unhappiness, and alleviating depression does not assure happiness, but I hope the knowledge contained i n this book w i l l help to eliminate some pain for some the noonday demon pdf download. To be creatures who love, we must be creatures who can despair at what we lose, and depression is the mechanism of that despair.
W h the noonday demon pdf download n it comes, it degrades one's self and ultimately eclipses the capacity to give or receive affection. It is the aloneness w i t h i n us made manifest, and it destroys not only connection to others but also the ability to be peacefully alone w i t h oneself.
Love, the noonday demon pdf download, though it is no prophylactic against depression, is what cushions the m i n d and protects it from itself. Medications and psychotherapy can renew that protection, making it easier to love and be loved, and that is w h y they work. In good spirits, some love themselves and some love others and some love work and some love G o d : any of these passions can furnish that vital sense of purpose that is the opposite of depression.
Love forsakes us from time to time, and we forsake love. In depression, the meaninglessness of every enterprise and every emotion, the meaninglessness of life itself, becomes self-evident. T h e only feeling left i n this loveless state is insignificance. Life is fraught w i t h sorrows: no matter what we do, we w i l l i n the end die; we are, each of us, held i n the solitude of the noonday demon pdf download autonomous body; time passes, the noonday demon pdf download, and what has been w i l l never be again.
Pain is the first experience of world-helplessness, and it never leaves us, the noonday demon pdf download. We are angry about being ripped from the comfortable womb, and as soon as that anger fades, distress comes to take its place. Even those people whose faith promises them that this w i l l all be different i n the next world cannot help experiencing anguish i n this one; Christ himself was the man of sorrows.
We live, however, i n a time of increasing palliatives; it is easier than ever to decide what to feel and what the noonday demon pdf download to feel. There is the noonday demon pdf download and less unpleasantness that is unavoidable i n life, for those w i t h the means to avoid. But despite the enthusiastic claims of pharmaceutical science, depression cannot be wiped out so long as we are creatures conscious of.
It can at best be containedand containing is all that current treatments for depression aim to do. H i g h l y politicized rhetoric has blurred the distinction between depression and its consequencesthe distinction between how you feel and how y o u act in response, the noonday demon pdf download.
T h i s is i n part a social and medical phenomenon, but it is also the result of linguistic vagary attached to emotional vagary. Perhaps depression can best be described as emotional pain that forces itself on us against our will, and then breaks free of its externals.
Depression is not just a lot of pain; but too m u c h pain can compost itself into depression, the noonday demon pdf download.
The Noonday Demon, By Andrew Solomon. FREE Audiobook in Description.
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Download The Noonday Demon An Atlas Of Depression ebook for free in pdf and ePub Format. The Noonday Demon An Atlas Of Depression also available in format docx and mobi. Read The Noonday Demon An Atlas Of Depression online, read in mobile or Kindle. The Noonday Demon: An Atlas of Depression by Andrew Solomon (excerpt) - Free download as PDF File .pdf), Text File .txt) or read online for free. Winner of the National Book Award, The Noonday Demon examines depression in personal, cultural, and scientific terms. Drawing on his own struggles with the illness and interviews with fellow sufferers, doctors and scientists, policy makers and 4/4(22). Oct 26, · Download The Noonday Demon: An Atlas of Depression by Andrew Solomon in PDF EPUB format complete free. Brief Summary of Book: The Noonday Demon: An Atlas of Depression by Andrew Solomon Here is a quick description and cover image of book The Noonday Demon: An Atlas of Depression written by Andrew Solomon which was published in –.
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