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[PDF] Night Shift Book by Stephen King Free Download ( pages)

Night Shift Stephen King. FOREWORD. Let's talk, you and I. Let's talk about fear. The house is empty as I write this; a cold February rain is falling outside. It's night. Sometimes when the wind blows the way it's blowing now, we lose the power. But for now it's on, and so let's talk very honestly about fear. E-book download Night Shift Full PDF Online. E-book download Linear Programming and Network Flows Full PDF Online. Welcome to Reddit, the front page of the internet. Become a Redditor. Free download or read online Night Shift pdf (ePUB) book. The first edition of the novel was published in , and was written by Stephen King. The book was published in multiple languages including English, consists of pages and is available in Paperback format. The main characters of this horror, short stories story are,. The book has been awarded with World Fantasy Award Nominee for 4/5.

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Night shift pdf download

By clicking register, I agree to your terms, night shift pdf download. All rights reserved. Design by w3layouts. This was a quantitative study using descriptive design; it also incorporated three qualitative open-ended night shift pdf download to complement the study. The data were collected using Survey Monkey, with an Internetbased confidential data collection tool. The population of relevance to this study was nurses employed in hospital settings in the United States.

E-mail addresses and Facebook were used to recruit participants. Results indicated that there is an increased risk of sleep deprivation, family stressors, and mood changes because of working the night shift.

Rotating shifts were mentioned as a major concern for night shift nurses. Respondents agreed that complaints about fatigue and fatiguerelated illnesses in night shift workers were ignored. There was also a general perception among nurses working the night shift that sleep deprivation leads to negative health consequences including obesity; however, they were not as high a concern as rotating shifts or fatigue.

The personal health of the nurse, however, is often an oversight in this demanding career. Negative health effects and poor health practices seem to be more prevalent with those who regularly work the night shift, compared with their day shift counterparts. Issues that may lead to serious negative health consequences are sleep deprivation, increased levels of stress, family and social disturbances, unhealthy coping mechanisms, limited exercise, and perceived personal health.

The purpose of this study was to determine how working the night shift affects the health of nurses. The authors have no funding or conflicts of interest to disclose. DOI: Nurses working the night shift have an increased risk for breast cancer,2 colorectal cancer,3 diabetes,4 compromised immune function,5 and obesity4 and disruptions in relationships with spouses and children.

A concerning issue that has been shown by limited studies to be correlated with night shift work by nurses is weight gain and night shift pdf download. Obesity in the United States is a serious public health problem. Average nurses who are overweight or obese are less likely to discuss this topic and offer interventions for their patients. However, Miller et al7 acknowledged that this is just an assumption, and no research was found that had studied this issue, night shift pdf download.

The full spectrum of issues related to obesity among nurses is an important topic of research. Limited studies have night shift pdf download a correlation between night shift work and the influencing elements.

Minimal research studies have been performed to identify reasons why night-shift-only workers have increased BMI. Some of the literature included information that night-only workers were predisposed to be unhealthy as indicated by increased BMI levels. Pan et al4 conducted the seminal research in the area of night shift nurses and obesity. The researchers found that night shift work for a long duration was positively associated with an increased risk of developing obesity and type-2 diabetes.

The results concluded that for every 5 years of night shift work, there was night shift pdf download average increase in 0. This study was a statistical analysis of longitudinal data obtained from a large participant sample of female nurses and midwives.

An interactive model created to examine the relationship between day shift, rotating shift, and night-only workers was culminated with a study of female nurses.

Researchers illustrated along with possible confounding factors of diet, exercise, smoking, alcohol consumption, menopausal status, and general health. Results indicated that rotating shift workers were significantly more likely to be overweight or obese than their day shift counterparts and that nightonly workers were significantly more likely to be obese. Specifically, night shift pdf download, the rotating shift nurses were 1.

The night-only workers were found to be 1. This study included female nurses and nursing assistants consisting of participants from all hospital nursing departments. The results did not reflect a statistically significant difference in current BMIs. Night shift pdf download, when considering an increase in BMI over time, night shift workers had a statistically significant greater increase than day workers.

They also found that night shift workers had longer sleep periods than day shift workers, night shift pdf download. It was necessary to consider studies outside the nursing profession to find any studies involving male participants. Biggi et al10 studied male night shift workers. Specifically, researchers examined the relationship between permanent night shift work and metabolic and cardiovascular risk factors in a retrospective longitudinal study of males between 22 and 62 years and work experience of 1 to 28 years.

As a whole, night shift pdf download workers smoked more and had significantly higher BMI, serum total cholesterol, and triglycerides than the day-shift workers, night shift pdf download. The other main factor influencing diet and exercise was the disruption in the circadian rhythm of the nurses, which caused them to be fatigued and opt out of exercising.

They also ate sugary foods as a coping mechanism to stay awake and opted for fast, convenient foods, because they lacked the time or energy to prepare healthy foods. On the positive side, some nurses reported using exercise to maintain energy and to help them recover after a demanding night shift. In addition, some reported being positively influenced by colleagues, who encouraged each other to diet and exercise together.

Descriptive Statistics for Participant Demographic and Background This study was a quantitative research using a cross-sectional descriptive design. Three qualitative open-ended questions were used to compliment the quantitative responses. The study included both night and day shift nurses. The population of relevance to this study is all nurses employed in hospital settings in the United States.

On approval of the proposal by the institutional review board, personal e-mail address and Facebook contacts were used to collect data from nurses. The participants signed an electronic consent before taking the survey.

The data were tabulated to find the mean, SD, frequency, and percentages. The final scores were used to depict the responses of nurses. The age of participants in this survey was skewed toward younger participants, night shift pdf download, with Only As expected, the majority of the participants Moreover, as expected, most of the participants In addition, there was a sizable pool of both day shift and night shift workers, of whom Abbreviation: PRN, pro re nata or as needed.

The majority of nurses agreed that they did not like rotating shift work because of its effect on health 3. Night shift pdf download prefer to work straight night shifts than rotate shifts 3, night shift pdf download. The participants also reported that they used caffeine to aid in staying awake at night 3. There were also a few participants who reported falling asleep at the wheel while driving home from the night shift work 1.

Finally, the nurses tended to have a lower level of agreement 1. The next areas of highest agreement were fatigue and fatigue-related illness in night shift workers are falling on deaf ears 3. Agreements were low in night shift work interfering with social activities or increased risk of diabetes. Some participants reported healthy eating and making good food choices. A few reported not engaging in any health promotion activities on a daily basis, and nearly one-fourth did not mention any health promotion activity.

The second theme was poor health choices, and the third involved negative effects on mood or depression. Nearly one-fifth of the participants did not respond to this question. One-third trended toward a negative perception of their Table 2. I would rather work straight night shift schedule than rotate shifts. I use caffeine to keep myself awake at night.

I fall asleep within the first 2 h of returning home from a shift. I have fallen asleep at the wheel while driving home in night shift pdf download morning after a night shift work, night shift pdf download. I use sleep aids such as over-the-counter or prescribed sleep medications. Items were rated on a 5-point Likert-type scale: 1 strongly disagree to 5 strongly agree.

There is high night shift pdf download of mood changes because of working night shift. Fatigue and fatigue-related illnesses in night shift workers are falling on deaf ears. There are increased risks of medical problems for a nurse working the night shift. There is an increased likelihood of obesity because of working night shift. My working night shift interferes with being socially active and healthy.

There is an increased risk of diabetes because of working night shift. The participants apparently reported dislike for rotating shifts and lack of sleep contributing to increased fatigue. They also reported unhealthy coping mechanisms such as caffeine use, but surprisingly, few reported using over-the-counter or prescription sleep aids. They also reported depressed moods, family stressors, and a general perception that night shift work had a negative effect upon their health.

Another area of significance was the report of stimulant use to stay awake at night. The majority of participants agreed to be using caffeine to stay awake during the night shift.

Given the health effects that regular use of stimulants may have, this is a negative health effect night shift pdf download working the night shift. One of the most significant results revealed by the night shift pdf download was the level of sleep deprivation of night shift workers. According to Matthews,12 chronic sleep deprivation can have serious results, including depression, anxiety, cognitive impairment, suppression of the immune system, and metabolic disturbances.

This result was further supported by the qualitative open-ended questions asked of the participants. Related to the perception of health, the participants strongly agreed that there was a high risk of family stressors resulting from working the night shift including the risk for mood changes.

Mood change, irritability, and depression are common results of frequent or chronic lack of sleep. Problems with fatigue and fatigue-related illnesses were also a concern.

This result is likely associated with the previous discussion wherein most night shift participants regularly reported sleeping less than 6 hours in a hour period. The participants also agreed on the perception of a somewhat increased risk for obesity and an increased risk for medical problems; however, they were not as high a concern as rotating shifts or fatigue.

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Night shift pdf download

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NIGHT SHIFT. CONTENTS Cover Page Title Page Introduction by John D. MacDonald Foreword Jerusalem's Lot Graveyard Shift Night Surf I Am the Doorway. The Mangler The Boogeyman Gray Matter Battleground Trucks Sometimes They Come Back Strawberry Spring The Ledge The Lawnmower Man Quitters, Inc. I Know What You Need. Renegade Knitwear Patterns - Night Shift - PDF DOWNLOAD Pattern - Designed by our very own Chris Salas, after moving to Chicago last year. He began working the night shift at his new job, and was surprised to find that he still had plenty of time for knitting and designing! Renegade Knitwear Patterns - Night Shift - PDF DOWNLOAD Pattern is available now at Jimmy Beans Wool with Free U.S. Flat. night shift Download night shift or read online books in PDF, EPUB, Tuebl, and Mobi Format. Click Download or Read Online button to get night shift book now. This site is like a library, Use search box in the widget to get ebook that you want.

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